• History Of Bandung

    he word “Bandung” is derived from the weir or dam because terbendungnya Citarum river by the lava of Mount Tangkuban Perahu ago, forming the lake...

  • Sport

    The city of Bandung and its surrounding communities is a fanatical Persib Bandung fans...

  • Tourism and Culture

    Since the opening of the Toll Road Cipularang, the city of Bandung has become the main purpose of enjoying the holiday weekend, ...

  • Government

    In local government administration, led by the mayor of the city of Bandung. Since 2008, the population of these cities directly elect mayors and their representatives...

  • Bandung City

    Bandung City is the largest metropolitan city in West Java at once became the capital of the province. The city is located 140 km southeast of Jakarta...


Turnamen Internasional
27 Juli 1986. Setelah menjuarai Kompetisi Perserikatan 1986, Persib mewakili Indonesia pada Pesta Sukan II Piala Hassanal Bolkiah di Brunei Darussalam. Persib menjadi juara setelah di final menang 1-0 atas Malaysia melalui gol Yusuf Bachtiar menit 47, di Stadion Negara Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Bandar Seri Begawan. Saat itu, Persib meminjam Yusuf dari Perkesa '78 bersama Herry Kiswanto dari Kramayudha Tiga Berlian. Di semifinal Persib menang 4-2 atas Singapura. Keberhasilan Persib ini menuai pujian dari PSSI. ***

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